Thursday, January 14, 2010

Script Engine operational

I think I'm all done with the embedding of the script engine itself. I have tests that are able to execute scripts by calling them by name at the JMXTerm command line. I decided to allow both no file extension and .groovy file extension, both callable by just the script name with no extension. Some editors, such as eclipse, fare much better when dealing with files with extensions as opposed to no extensions. Its a small thing might be nice for people writing scripts.

Next up is to decide what actually goes into the script binding to be made available to the scripts for use. Each command has access to a Session object which keeps track of all sorts of things such as open JMX connections, output and input streams for the command. Some of this would be useful to put in the binding for the scripts. The binding is a map of variables that are available to the script for use. Right now I have a variable called "out" which is the Session output stream. It allows things like

out.println "This is some output"

I could just use println to have it go to stdout, but that would not work when the Session explicitly sends output to a file and it also makes testing harder. Capturing stdout for the test is annoying whereas getting the output from the test session in the command under test is easy.

So now I go back the proposal and decide what is required to be available in the scripts and how to get it there.

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